We are all on the run. All the time.
Making healthy eating is challenging on the run.
It isn’t about doing it all right every single time. It really boils down to choices. Making better choices, given the options, then you did before or than you did yesterday. Here are some considerations when trying to evaluate your options:
1. Keep tomorrow’s lunch in mind while making dinner. Adding a little extra to the pot the night before makes the perfect brown bag the day after.
2. Similarly, prepare an extra large salad. Take a portion out before you add the wet veggies like tomatoes, which tend to make the salad soggy. When packing it up, add a little homemade dressing to the bottom of the container, then before eating shake the container to dress the salad.
3. Look for other opportunities to add more vegetables to your day. Purchase ready made cut up veggies and take a selection to work every day. They offer tremendous munching satisfaction. For example, a whole pepper makes a snack and an extra veggie serving.
4. Always have some “grab and go” food in your refrigerator like apples or peaches. Fruit makes an ideal snack for that 3-4 pm craving, particularly if you pair it with nuts or cheese.
5. A frozen, precooked portion of leftover chicken or turkey makes an ideal lunch choice. It will defrost in time for lunch.
6. Make a hard boiled egg and cut it onto your salad for added quality protein.
7. On the weekend, make your own trail mix. Combine your favourite grain and nuts, cereals, and seeds. Pre Packaged it in airtight baggies.
The key is to not stress too much about lunch. That is the least productive thing that you can do for yourself. Instead, make the best choice with what is available and reevaluate daily. Once your body begins working like the well oiled machine it is meant to be, it will begin to tell you exactly what is best for its long term maintenance!
Fast Food
An apple and nut butter
A handful of raw almonds
A box of raisins with almonds or seeds
Spelt pretzels
Flat bread with hummus
A baggie of carrots with hummus
Dried apricots
Low sodium vegetable drink
Homemade granola